Saturday, January 3, 2009

Midnight Sun

Ok, this will hopefully be my last Twilight post. I've been reading Midnight Sun from Stephenie Meyer's sight (the manuscript that will never be published.) This is from Edward's point of view. I know I should just let it go, "THE END" is at the end of Breaking Dawn, but Edward has become "my brand of heroin" and I can't help it..... I feel like an awkward 16-year-old again... Do you think Scooter would get upset if I started hanging posters on my wall again? (Move over Jon Bon Jovi, Ralph Macchio, Menudo, Cory Haim....) Like I said in my earlier post, I always loved vampires. The infatuation runs quite deep. And when Stephenie came up with the Cullen clan who stay away from human blood... how perfect. We don't have to be killers now... Do you ever wonder where the original folk lore came from? Who thought up vampires in the first place? Why do they still hold such a fascination in our hearts? Wikipedia says the earliest English appearance of the word "vampire" appeared in 1734, but it could go back as far as 1047 A.D. in Russia. Sorta makes you wonder.... It does me anyways. Some one please save me and help me move on!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year's

Here it is, a new year already. 2009. Wow. My only resolution for this year is to be grateful for what I have and not look so much at what I don't have. It really makes life easier.... It's going to be a busy year with a full year of nursing school and a little more than a whole month off for my breaks (about one whole week in between quarters....) Here's to a good year...may I make it easily through to next year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hopeless romantic...

I have officially been caught up in the Twilight saga! With my nose burried in school books, I have not had any time to do any personal reading since June when I finished all the Harry Potter books. What little television I watch is with the help of my DVR, so I fast-forward through everything that is a commercial; I couldn't tell you what new movies or products are out there on the market right now. Well, I have read the raves of Twilight from my friends' blogs and figured that I had 2 weeks to take some "me" time (even though the my house could use some of that time), so when I ordered my textbooks, I bought the first 2 books in the series. At this point, I had no clue what they were about, but if every one was raving, they had to be at least interesting. As I waited for my delivery from Amazon, I was told the series was a vampire love story. SAY NO MORE! I was sold. (I've loved vampires ever since The Lost Boys....) My other weakness, The Phantom of the Opera, was on tv while I was packing, before the books arrived, which just put me in my fantasy world even farther... Can you believe that I had the books in my possession for 2 whole days before I started reading them? I opened Twilight about 3am last Monday morning while I was trying to stay awake at work. By page 76 I was hooked. The book was finished by 7pm that night. (It would have been earlier but I needed to sleep.) I was done with Eclipse by Wednesday morning. Then I was jonesing... I didn't have the other 2 books and we were leaving for Pennsylvania. Guess what? My sister had the other two books in her room! I finished the third book before we left PA, and made a dent in the last. I would guess I am solidly in the middle of the last book now. It is all I can do not to be reading it right now! My sister took me to the movies Friday night to see Twilight. Yes, the other blogs warned about the dissapointment there too.... They took like 100 pages of the book and smashed it into the movie. Let's not forget all the details they left out, especially about how gorgeous vampires are supposed to be. I guess they must have had a low budget for casting or something! If Porsche DeRossi was a few years younger, she would have been perfect to cast as Rosalie.... Anyways, I was doing well with brushing off everyone's rave reviews until Leanne jumped on the band wagon. I blame her. I will soon be sad when I finish book 4, that means I will be back to reading yucky books... pharmacology and chemistry....